Sunday, July 1, 2012

First the Fathers...

We all know the importance of the Father figure. It is regularly preached off the pulpit: "how you related to your earthly Father is how you relate to Father God"

9 years ago my child's play school sent letters home asking Dads to please spend time with their children as the children at school are saying "Dad leaves before I wake up and gets home after I am sleeping" - Logical deduction: they very seldom see their Dads. Conclusion: God is a absent Father/God.

The devil has been successful in removing the Dads with the logical reasoning of "Dad has to bring the money in for us to live". I recently asked 150 people of various ages and population for their favorite Father/Child memory. I was shocked !!! More than half of the ones that replied (and my response to that question was tremendous) told me that they have no memory of their Father! More than two thirds replied their Dads were drunk or abusive towards them and they don't have a happy memory. About 10 people responded with really pleasant memories!

Now we know the devil succeeded....

The next trend I've notices in the last 10 years plus is just as bad as the Father trend. For many years if the Father worked hard or was absent, at least the Mother was at home to love and accept the Children.

Now days Moms are working harder than Dads and by the time they get home, they are too tired and the children are "rejected" again for either a sleep, household chores such as cooking or washing or shopping, a TV program, a social engagement, gym or school sport!

Some questions to think about:

Has the devil managed to succesfully remove the "Wall of protection" that the parents should create for the children?

Are our children been raised as I would classify as "orphaned or abandoned" as neither parent is there for their children?

Is it easier for us as parents to go to a full time job than to raise our own children?

When the Bible says "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it", what is "THE WAY" that we as Christian parents are raising our children in? Neglect, abandonement, love deprived?

When do I actually love my children?

Children imitate their parents. Are they learning "people are not important"?

Personally, I think it is easier going to work. Because when I see the challenges my children have had to face, I have never had the right answer to the situations. It has been hard work forcing myself to enquire from God how my child must handle their situations. It has meant I've had to spend time in the Word to find Biblical answers! Hard...because like every parent...I also want an easier life, with more luxuries and less responsibility.
I have had to learn to love my children when I don't want to love anything! When I have felt so empty because of the blows life has dealt me!
I've had to find the strength to tell them tomorrow is going to be ok when I did not know when the light at the end of the tunnel was going to appear.
I have had to learn what ever I say my children process and or death. What was I investing in their futures?

It takes time, patience and deliberate effort to love my children. And sometimes it gets the better of me, but then I remember: Jesus gave us one commandment: "Love one another" and what better place to start than loving my own little people. The reward for me has been I've learnt more about God and me than what I could ever impart into them! They are so rewarding to love!

Our children are amazing...let's love them more!!!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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