Posting the post on "Wise Men follow the Star' I realised I had not put up an explaination on this blog site. I run a duplication of this blog on a couple of blog hosting sites (each one reaches a different audience) and managed to skip this one.
God told me in Dec 2012 that 2013 would be a year of birthing. I still laughed it off thinking "I've been through this before...can handle it". Truth be told, I was actually quite keen to see what would be birthed. We were in a good place end of 2012 and I was expecting the same in 2013.

Well, life got busy!
Its does mean 40 000 words and 156 pages and lots of proof reading! After the kids settled into schools, school books were covered and sports schedule sorted, I started seeing these words flooding my brain. One morning I sat down and decided to see where this was heading and after 5 hours of typing, I realised I had approx 5000 words. I emailed it to a couple of people and asked if there was a future.
And so….a book was birthed! Will post a chapter or two from my book every now and then (only when I am satisfied it is good enough...and that is not yet!)
Then my husband felt God was saying it was time to start a Bible College with fulltime students again. Having helped run various colleges before, I didn't think it would impact my life to hectic, but I had obviously forgot how much of your time students take. And so, Generation Impact Frontline Bible College was birthed (note that word again)
The goal of this college is to train leaders for Frontline ministry as quickly and as effective as we could. The fastest we have been able to train leaders is around 5-7 years. That includes practical and Word. Discussing the desired outcome of the college, we decided on no more than 10 students (this is the elite training, like Marine Core), and practical ministry training, changing the core values the students have to Biblical values and how to get them into the Word as often as possible.
To accomplish our training goals, we needed to get the students ministring which led to Student Church been birthed (that word again)
You can follow them on Facebook: GI Student Church.
And the good news is...that took me to July 2013... I still had 5 months of the year left!
I feel as if I will drown you with the workload that came in the next 5 months, including editing an entire school play dvd...which took 8 weeks alone :D Fire Conferences, marriage courses, innerhealing courses, prophetic training courses and a much need break for a week were all lined up from August to November. In November, hubby decides he is not busy enough and we need to start a blog together on marriages. Well, the only contributer so far is ME! I now run 4 different blogs (over various blogging platforms), 5 ministries including graphics (jpg, mp3 and mp4) for all of them, and somewhere along the line, I still find time to Love my husband and spend time enjoying my children. Somehow God has just managed to keep it all in balance. Needless to say with all of these new beginnings, came new warfare strategies that needed to be learnt.
Life was busy birthing in 2013....and God say
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