Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't Ever Give Up

Watching helplessly as friends and family go through hard times is probably one of the hardest things for a person to do graciously. Every time its happened to me, I've felt very helpless and clueless as I have never known how to deal with it. I've learnt advice never helps and prayer has always felt so hopeless in these difficult predicaments I've found myself facing with people who often mean the world to me. Well, this January was no different.

If I read the Bible correctly, my God is a victorious God, He loves people and only Blessed them! So why are so many of His people taking strain under yokes of bondages. This time I watched a family very dear to me get ripped apart through lies! But in the spirit God had shown me the calling He had on this family about 6 months prior.

So when this onslaught came, I got mad that the devil was going to win again. I did not like that very familiar feeling of helplessness and powerless, because in my heart, I believe in my God!

They say the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, so I sat and meditated on the Word and decided the first thing in, is definitely prayer. So I started praying. But that did not change the helplessness. I still felt like I was not changing anything in the spirit.

So I decided to start fasting. My hubby is very familiar with fasting, he's been fasting every second day for 4 years now. Me? I'm not so keen on it! Because of that helpless feeling getting the better of me again, I decided to join him. No lies, no sugar coating, no stories of heroism! was tough!

I had to not just keep my focus on why I was fasting (that's was to break the bondages over my friends lives) but during that time, I was faced with overcoming the greatest challenge of my spiritual walk: witchcraft (not sure if it was all connected in the spirit).

We had 7 weeks of utter chaos and confusion in our home, but I decided we had started on this journey, we had to complete it God's way! In the 1st week of March i felt the 1st signs of release as if the battle for my friends had been won. But the picture in the natural did not line up with the release I felt. By end of March the family where back together praising the Lord once more and I realised the most important lessons ever:
1. I can make a difference to someone by never giving up on them.
2. If I call myself a leader in the christian faith, I need to be prepared to walk the extra mile for someone God loves to break spiritual strongholds over those I relate to.
3. I learnt to keep my mouth shut. Not once did the family know I was praying and fasting for them (they still don't know). Not once did I tell them they were not where God wanted them or that they were sinning. I only confessed the calling that God had shown me earlier.
4. I learnt, if you desperate enough, you'll do it!

I am glad I learnt these lessons. God has restored the peace in my home supernaturally & brought my entire family through victorious. Praise the Lord for His goodness.

But I've also learnt I have the ability to help people if I'm prepared to crucify my own flesh by getting out of my own comfort zones.

I found this scripture in Isaiah 58v6:
6 "Is this not the fast which I choose,
To loosen the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the bands of the yoke,
And to let the oppressed go free
And break every yoke?

I like being in the "yoke destroying, breaking every chain" business because I've seen results, lasting results.

Don't ever give up on a person that God loves! He can use you to make a difference. You do not have to go as severe as what I did, fasting every 2nd day! But start to fight for the ones you love!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Arthur kept on reminding me today that I need to post a new post on my blog. Judging by my reaction he asked if I don’t have anything to write about. Well… I did, in fact I wanted to say something about the Cricket World Cup. But by the time I arrived home, the subject changed as a parcel had been delivered.  
Arthur and his "presents"
 Knowing the content, we eagerly ripped it open and amidst a scurry and flying of shredded paper, unpacked a brand new video camera and mic. All sounds very normal to people who can relate to receiving a parcel they have ordered and paid for.

This parcel is different!

Before our very eyes, God was busy resurrecting a vision that has been laid on the alter and killed many times over and over. Abraham and Isaac! At least 20 times over!

It was the fulfilment of prophetic words given twenty years ago, years before we were even married. It had been confirmed over and over through the years. And still it had to get laid on the alter and die several deaths (many times, very painful deaths).
Mic and Video Recorder
We have a vision to spread the gospel for free and part of our method to spread it, is by doing what we’ve titled as “250 Foundational Topics” - 5 years worth of Bible School material FREE in the format of your choice. Your options will be to download in DVD or MP3 or PDF format. The purpose of the 3 different formats is for people on all continents (as is currently happening) to be able to download the format they are most able to manage and to work through the content and to be able to GROW as a Christian.

We needed the video camera to start recording the 27 min dvd’s session and the mic to continue and complete recording the MP3 recordings (which are a hitting large numbers of downloads every month on our webpage).

We started with what we had, a laptop and a shure mic and the encouragement of a friend, and only on topic nr 90 did God come through for us to be able to fulfil the rest of the vision.

To follow the fulfillment of this vision: under Apostolic Downloads.
Book 1 (Topics 1 - 50) has already been printed 4 times. Book 2 (Topics 51-100) and Book 3 (Topics 101 - 150) are currently been edited to be sent to the printers later this month.

The morale of this blog:
If you have a promise from God that has not been fulfilled yet, I can’t give you a magic formula or a time frame or anything to tell you when it is going to happen. I do not even have the knowledge to tell you it is not going to happen.
But will it happen? Yes, if God has said it and you continue believing and confessing it, it will happen.

How did it all come together for us?
We had to trust that God HAD SAID!
We had to believe that God HAD SAID!
We had to confess everytime the natural looked different to the spoken word, WE HAD TO CONFESS THE WORD OF GOD!

The seed sown in our particular situation, was the spoken Word of God.
Where there times when I did not believe that God could do it? Many! I battled to believe that God would lie to me and I also battled to believe that God was allowing all the deaths on the alters if He had said it. I could not reconcile the two. But I chose to continue believing that God would be faithful to do it in His time.

Were there times when I could sit down and just cry? Probably more than I will remember. The road was not easy. I’m not saying that we have by any means arrived yet. Don’t get me wrong here. This is just the birthing place of the vision that God spoke through prophetic word 20 years ago.
Every time things looked different in the natural, we would fetch out our prophetic words and starting speaking LIFE into the spirit realm over our situation.

Lying ahead for us is much more that we still need to learn, still need to conquer, and you have probably guessed, still need to lay on the altar again until God’s appointed time, but what has it done. It has shown me that my time in not God’s time. And when I least expected, it happened. It came at a time where we both had decided to make peace with our circumstances and to be found faithful doing the “little” things around us wherever and whenever we could. I realised if you are not starting at the little things God told you to do, you won’t get to the “bigger” things God told you to do.

If you look at the pictures, they just look like a birthday present been opened, but if you look at the whole picture of God’s faithfulness, all you can do is stand in awe of Him been faithful to fulfil His Word.
What I want to leave you with is this:
If God has said it, He will perform it. God is Faithful! The Lord will Provide!
Many blessing to you all!